Error in starting the Broker (IIB)

Here is a quick solution to the problem faced while starting an IIB Message Broker.


C:\IBM\MQSI\>mqsistart MyBroker

BIP8015E: The component cannot be started.

The command cannot start the required component.

The possible causes of this error are: insufficient user ID permissions; lack of system resources (not enough memory); the WebSphere MQ environment is not configured correctly for the user who is running the command (for example, the mqm library is missing from the user’s path).


Yet to figure out(Will add soon).


  1. Create a local user

Open Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Local Users and Groups.

Right click on Users -> New User, enter details and click create.

Creating user1

  1. Add the user to mqm and administrator groups.

Right click on the newly created user -> Properties -> MemberOf -> Add -> Advanced

Adding to group2

Click on the Find Now button and select the groups.

  1. Tell broker service to use this newly created user for starting.

Open Task Manager -> Services -> Services (Button with Admin symbol)

Broker Properties3

Right click on the IBM WebSphere Message Broker service and select properties.

In the Logon tab, select ‘This Account’ and Browse to select the created user.

Once you get the below window, click on Advanced and click Find Now to see the list of users in the system as shown in the below screenshots.

Selecting groups4

Selecting groups5

Select the newly created user and enter the password.

Selecting user6

Done. Good to start the broker with the new user.


Job Scheduling in IIB9 using Timeout nodes(Files)

Requirement: Pick up files at scheduled time and send out an email at the end.

Implementation using: IBM Integration bus(IIB9)

Requirement analysis:

  1. IIB process should transfer the files at 11:00 PM everyday to a destination directory.
  2. A mail needs to be sent to a user with all the file names which are picked up on that particular day.

Below image shows complete message flow.

Complete Message Flow
Complete Message Flow

Configure the properties as shown in below images.

User Defined Properties
User Defined Properties

We need to configure these properties so that values can be changed at run-time. Once created, we need to declare them in the compute node to use in the code as shown below.


Values for these properties will be set in baroverride file like,\Users\nusa\IBM\InputDir\Users\nusa\IBM\OutputDir —-Will be triggered at 11:00 PM daily.—- —-After StartTime file gets picked up at every 30 seconds till flow moves to No Match in FileRead node—-

The first node is used to trigger the controlled node and to control the number of instances and intervals. Properties for which are shown below.

Automated Timeout Notification Properties
Automated Timeout Notification Properties

Here as we want to trigger the flow once in a day, we give time out interval value as 24*60*60 seconds. Once this node gets triggered, we set properties for the controlled node as shown below in the next compute node.

Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.Action =’SET’;
Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.Identifier =’ControlledTN’;
Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.StartDate = CURRENT_DATE;
Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.StartTime =CAST(StartTime AS TIME);
Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.Interval = CAST(Intervl AS INTEGER);
Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.Count=CAST(count as INTEGER);
Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.IgnoreMissed=FALSE;

Once values are set for the controlled node, we use timeout control node which will have unique identifier same as controlled timeout notification node as shown below.

Start Job Properties
Start Job Properties

Below image shows the properties we need to set for the Timeout notification node which we are trying to control and schedule here.

Controlled Timeout Notification Properties
Controlled Timeout Notification Properties

Now if everything is right, this node gets triggered at the set time and flow picks up the files and moves to next compute node where we set output file properties.

SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.File.Directory = OutputDirectory;
SET FilesName = InputLocalEnvironment.File.Read.Name;
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Destination.File.Name = InputLocalEnvironment.File.Read.Name;

Once all the files are picked up, flow moves to No Match node and then to set email properties. Here we need to cancel the timeout notification so that again an instance won’t get created.

SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Variables.sendEmails.emailDetails.mailSuccess.bodyContentType = ‘text/html’;
SET = ‘ToAddress’;
SET = ‘CCAddress’;
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Variables.sendEmails.emailDetails.mailSuccess.from = ‘FromAddress’;
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Variables.sendEmails.emailDetails.mailSuccess.subject = ‘Files transfer was successfull’;
SET OutputLocalEnvironment.Variables.sendEmails.emailDetails.mailSuccess.body = ‘Following files are being transferred successfully<br/>’ || FilesName;

Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.Action =’CANCEL’;
Set OutputLocalEnvironment.TimeoutRequest.Identifier =’ControlledTN’;

Now we use Timeout control node which will have unique identifier same as of controlled timeout notification node to cancel the scheduled job.

Stop Job Properties
Stop Job Properties

Here use flow order node to send email and then to cancel the job.

Hope this post contains required details.


Santhosh Yadav N U